Posted: 7th September 2021

Following the Government’s announcement on Monday (June 14), our contingency plan for end-of-term has swung into operation with, thankfully, the vast majority of events still going ahead. Here’s the schedule with full details to follow:

School plays and concerts

These will be filmed and a link to the film will be made available to parents.

25 June – Year 11 Prom

Formal Dinner for Year 11 students will be held in the Wyvern Hall.

2nd July – Pre-Prep Sports Day

Will continue as planned.

3 July – Queen’s Day

We will be running our Senior School House Cricket matches as planned.

7 July – Senior Sports Day

This will be unaffected and parents are invited to watch.  Please remember to maintain social distancing protocols at all times with students, staff and other parents and visitors.

7 July – Junior Speech Day

This will be held for all pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 in the Queen’s Hall.  It will be filmed and streamed for parents to watch at home as, unfortunately, parents will not be able to attend.

8 July – Senior Speech Day

This will be for Year 13 students and their parents and prize winners from other year groups (they will be notified ahead of the date).  It will be held in the Queen’s Hall and will be filmed and streamed for parents and other students to watch from home. Only students involved in Speech Day should be in school that day.

8 July – Leavers’ Ball

Formal Dinner for Year 12 and 13 students only will be held in the Wyvern Hall.

Categories: Whole School
Summer At Queen's

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