Sports Report 17 December 2021

Sports Report 17 December 2021

Posted: 16th December 2021

Senior Sports Report

This week was the final week of fixture before the Christmas break!

The U12 and U13 matches were against wellington, in which some superb hockey was played. The girls were challenged throughout with wellington being the faster and more physical side, but the girls showed some great determination to stay in the game and come out as the winners.

The U14’s and U15’s had a well spirited game which every player tried their upmost for the team. Some great ball carrying skills were shown by Natasha and some good dodges thrown in their from Luna. However Sara-li was player of the match with some fantastic saves to keep the score line down.

The 1st and 2nd team had an eventful start to their matches with them having to be postponed by an hour and restarted. This was not ideal preparation. The 2nd team had a great match with the score line finishing 2-2, and this showed how far they had come this season. The 1st team had a difficult end to the 1st half conceding a few in quick succession, however managed to come out with in the 2nd half showing far more resilience.

Overall the season went very well and it was good to watch everyone develop and improve their hockey ability. It will be an exciting time next year when we see the girls in action again.

The Queen’s boys 1st rugby team got off to a fast start with some excellent team and individual tries this week. Despite a spirited fightback from the Shebbear boys, Queen’s went on to win the game fairly convincingly. An excellent performance from the whole team and it was great to finish the season with a win. Special mention must go to the awesome tackler, Marcos who played his last game for the College before returning to Spain at Christmas.

The  team put in a phenomenal performance against a strong Wellington side where we saw the team work for each other, track back in defence and score two great tries in the game.  They then played a second game in the triangular tournament where the boys scored the best try of the season in a hard fought win.  The ball was passed and offloaded between several players, all of whom were supporting each other.  Performances of note were Isaac Banks and Ollie Messom although the whole team worked together to finish the season with their best performance.  Well done!

Queens showed great resilience, perseverance and character, individually and collectively. Woody and Caspar were involved in the try of the day with a well timed pass from Woody and a audacious pass from Caspar. Flynn’s run down the wing deserved a try, and I was willing him on. Although he didn’t score, Queen’s eventually scored from the territory he had gained. From this performance four more Queen’s players were invited to join the Bristol Bears aspire program.

A combative, resilient performance by everyone in the U16 team made a good Wellington side have to fight for every point. Jt Langridge and Franky Gediking stepped in at fly half and scrum half respectively and were outstanding. Many thanks go to Oli Smith,  Adam Ducros-Bourdens, Ruben Khakhar and Charlie Teggarty for playing up to a year and supporting the team so bravely. Our try was scored from an intelligent and well placed kick from JT and followed up by Oli. Well done to all.

This week the senior school boys also enjoyed an afternoon of house rugby. It was incredible to see the support from all of the houses on the side lines. More photos can be found on our Flickr account.

Lastly, the rearranged  Taunton Schools’ Cross Country Championships V Mixed-U18A event took place at Taunton Racecourse and was well attended by local schools. Our runners all performed brilliantly, with standout performances from Megan Clark and Tom Taylor (Y7), Oliver Smith (Y10) Franky Gediking and Lily MacNiece (Y11) and Pippa Drummond (Y12). These runners will be hopeful of getting into the next round.


Categories: Senior School
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