Sports Report January 21 2022

Sports Report January 21 2022

Posted: 21st January 2022

netball game at queens college

Prep Sports Report

Matches restarted on Wednesday with the boys travelling across The Levels to play Millfield. This was a baptism of fire with many never having played a hockey match before. Both the U11As and Bs battled throughout but struggled to relieve pressure when it really mattered. As their understanding of positional play improves, then this should lead to the development of their all round game. The U10s fared better and noticeably improved as the match progressed and were very much a thorn in the opposition’s side throughout. 

The girls enjoyed matches against Sherborne Prep and St John’s International School. They all played with huge enthusiasm throughout and started to get to grips with the many aspects of game play. They all grew in confidence with some superb shooting in the last quarters.

Senior Sports Report

It’s been a wonderful week of sporting action and success for Queen’s teams, with Swimming, Netball, Hockey and Basketball fixtures, all well supported, despite the chilly weather. QC teams have enjoyed fixtures this week against Exeter, Wellington, Clifton, Millfield, Sherborne, Downside and Kings, with strong displays of sportsmanship and teamwork on all sides.  Queen’s teams worked hard and there were some outstanding individual performances too but most importantly, there were lots of smiles and fun was had!

Hockey Match Reports:

U12A v Exeter SchoolA tricky first match of the season for the U12A team. The boys were understandably rusty and lacking match sharpness. Nevertheless there were a lot of positives with Arthur Kennen having a fine game in midfield and Euan Thompson putting in a commanding performance in goal.

U13A v Exeter School – The boys enjoyed a very well spirited first game of the season against Exeter School. They put together some phases of very enjoyable free flowing hockey scoring some great team goals.The boys showed great promise in their first game of the season, exciting to see them develop as the term goes on.

U14A v Clifton College – An outstanding start to the season for the U14 A boys. A great team performance with a few great team goals and a very good individual goal from Casper Reeves. The game finished in a draw at 3-3 against a strong Clifton side. Special mention to Mohammad Al Boukan for some terrific saves under a lot of pressure in the second half.

U14B v Clifton College – Really excellent team effort. Adam Rendall captained the side really well and Max Mockridge and Ali Al Boukan were very influential.

U16A v Clifton College – In their first game of the season, the U16A grew in confidence as the game progressed and by the final quarter, they were matching Clifton in many areas of the pitch. Joel Savage played well in goal, making several key saves, and Javen Liao provided a solid barrier at the back. The real highlight of the game was Jack Tregunna’s goal from a restart, dribbling through three Clifton players before smashing the ball past the goalkeeper.

U18A v Clifton College – A much improved performance from the 1st team compared to the midweek game. Comfort on the ball improved, and ball retention improved. People are starting to settle in the new formation and positions.

U18B v Clifton College – Queen’s started slowly conceding 1st however Jonty Lusk, Tycho Simmons worked hard throughout the half to stop a number of Clifton attacks. At half time the team came up with some tactical changes, playing much better in the second half topped off by Will Barnes scoring a fine goal, Well done all.

U12A v Millfield – Enjoyable match with Queen’s dominating the play in the 1st half in their first exposure to 11 a-side hockey. A great attacking display but the ball just didn’t end up in the goal. Millfield were clinical in the 3rd quarter with 3 goals to put them ahead. Queen’s resurrected themselves for the final quarter putting in a top defensive display so that the score line wasn’t any further damaging.

U13A v Millfield – An excellent team performance, with so many positives and attacking opportunities – the only thing missing was a goal! James Weeks defended superbly and Alex Burrough, Tom Nash and James Confrey carried the ball well in midfield. Theo Hartland had several attempts well saved by the Millfield goalkeeper and the team were unfortunate to lose 1-0.

U14B v Clifton – The U14B team enjoyed a very successful fixture to come away winners with a 2-0 score line. It was a great team performance and a couple stand out performances from Ali Al Boukan scoring both goals and Adam Rendall contributing massively all round the pitch.

Netball Match Reports:

U12A v Wellington – The girls took a little while to settle back into playing competitive netball after a year off, but once they found their rhythm the girls were unstoppable. Evvie Riches worked hard as centre to distribute the ball, with Fran Smith and Maryam Ansaldi scoring some great goals, and Mary-Tess McAlonan, Megan Clarke and Annabelle Brown working hard to support in both attack and defence. Amy Chen was on fire with an interception as GK, and was a worthy player of the match.

U12B v Wellington – Great enthusiasm from the girls- they improved as the match went on and battled tirelessly to get a well deserved draw. Very good control from Lara Fourie in defence and Hattie Thorne in the mid court.

U13A v Wellington – The girls worked well as a team and made sure to remember their first target of the match: to have fun! Throughout the game the girls improved on their positional awareness by playing different positions, and also developed their ability to make leads for better passing up the court. Bahiya Hussein exceeded her goal scoring target, and Ellen Leech led the team well as captain.

U15A v Wellington – A very tough game for the U15A’s first match of the season! The Wellington side contested every ball but the team stayed resilient and didn’t give up. A good game to highlight what the team needs to work on as we continue into the season.

U15B v Wellington – The U15B team should be very happy with their efforts in the first match of the netball season after only 1 training session together. The team began to really gel as the game progressed which resulted in them winning the 3rd quarter! Congratulations to Alexandra Turner and Mel Mapondera for making their Queen’s sport debut. Wellington took the win.

U18A v Wellington – A high paced and physical game to kick-start the netball season for the 1st Team. We were strong across the court, making some excellent leads and great passing. Not rushing the ball into the D meant that Louisa Wills and Millie Lusk could work to create some space close to the hoop for some close range shooting. Always keeping a small lead kept the girls working hard. A fantastic win for this team- it should be an exciting term ahead

U18B v Wellington – A lovely first match for the 2nd Team. They played some sensible netball and moved the ball well in attacking play, resetting the ball when they needed to. Some outstanding shooting from Rachel and Isla kept the scoreline close, along with some excellent turnovers in the defending goal third. Our defence made it tricky for the opposing shooters to find space which often led to a turn over. Ending in a 23-23 draw was a well deserved score for both teams. Lots of positives to take away and few minor things to work on in training.

U18C v Wellington – A great start to the season winning 28-11. A little timid to start but after the 1st quarter the confidence grew and we were more aggressive. Accurate shooting from Sophia Welch and Isla Tilsely and some great interceptions from Emily Handel. Overall great team performance.

U13B v Sherborne –  Queen’s were a little slow to start, allowing Sherborne to take the first goal but the girls managed to up their work rate shortly after and began slotting the goals which provided the confidence needed. There were lots of changes of positions showing that they could be effective in different areas of the court. The girls won all quarters, even when they were challenged not to talk! The end result 20-9 to Queen’s

Senior 1st v Downside – Another fantastic performance by the 1st VII this afternoon against Downside. This team rehearsed well and executed some outstanding passes. Millie and Louisa barely missed a shot at goal and the turnovers from our mid-court and defense were immense. A well deserved win for the Queen’s girls today.

Senior 2nd v Downside – Despite a slow first quarter the team put up a fabulous performance both in defence & attack. Excellent performance by GS Edie Hepburn who accurately converted a high shot percentage . Well played.

Senior 3rd v Downside – A dominant win 23 – 9. A sloppy first quarter with loose passes but the team turned this around in the remaining 3 quarters. Some good interceptions by Hattie at GK. Ruby and Maeve linked up well to help create space in the centre of the court. A great team performance.

Swimming Report: 

U13A v Kings Hall – We hosted King’s Hall school in a friendly Year 7 and 8 swimming gala on Monday evening. There were some stand out performances from Roger, Zach, Harriet, Jon, and Evvie who all came in 1st place, in at least one individual event. I was impressed by the standard set by all pupils and I look forward to seeing these swimmers develop in the pool over the course of the year.

Basketball Match Reports:

U14A v Wellington – An exciting, closely contested fixture, with Queen’s unfortunately losing out by 1 goal. Excellent all round team performance with GD Isabelle Amesbury taking numerous interceptions.13-14

U14B v Wellington – The opposition started strong and we struggled to contain their attack. We clawed back the final 1/4 but lost by 7-15. Player of the match was Evelyn Burrough for excellent versatility on court.

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