Onatti Theatre Delivers Entertaining French Production

Onatti Theatre Delivers Entertaining French Production

Posted: 22nd March 2024

On Monday, we welcomed Onatti Productions for a captivating theatrical experience. The play, titled “Le Château,” was performed in both French and English, providing a delightful fusion of language and culture. Students from Years 5 through 8 at Queen’s were joined by students from Trull Primary and Kingston St Mary, creating a vibrant audience eager to engage with the performance.

The production proved to be more than just a passive viewing experience. It was interactive, with several students invited on stage to participate actively, utilising their French language skills. This hands-on approach not only entertained the audience but also enhanced their learning experience, making language acquisition more dynamic and engaging.

The visit from Onatti Productions was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Friends of Queen’s. The proceeds from last year’s Quiz Night were dedicated to organising this enriching event, showcasing the invaluable role that community support plays in enhancing educational opportunities for students.


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