Nursery and Minis

Nursery and Minis


The Nursery children have been fully immersed in a range of activities inspired by their current book themes. The Cottontails have been exploring Brown Bear, Brown Bear, learning all about colours and animals. From painting to sensory play, the children have enjoyed hands-on experiences both indoors and outdoors, reinforcing their learning in fun and engaging ways.

Meanwhile, the Puddleducks have been diving into the book, The Very Helpful Hedgehog and embracing the autumn season. They began the week with a delightful walk to Hutton Lawn, observing the changes in nature. Back in the nursery, the children used apples as stamps to paint pumpkins and crafted hedgehogs using their handprints. They also practised their scissor skills, cutting tissue paper for pumpkin creations, and had fun with spider-themed play dough.

It’s been a week filled with creativity, exploration, and autumnal fun for all!


This week at Queen’s Minis, the children had a fantastic time with a pumpkin-themed focus, alongside some exciting bug exploration. The little adventurers visited the bug hotel on Hutton Lawn, lifting logs and searching through bushes to discover a variety of insects. Armed with magnifying glasses, they examined their finds up close, counting legs and learning about the different species.

In their German lessons, the children continued making excellent progress with their counting skills, confidently practising numbers from one to ten. Throughout the week, there were also plenty of opportunities to explore pumpkins—discussing their sizes, weights, and textures. The children had a wonderful time cutting them open, scooping out the insides, and carving fun faces.

Despite the wet weather, the fun and learning continued non-stop! We wish everyone a lovely half-term and look forward to the exciting topics planned for when we return!


Categories: Nursery and Minis