Nursery and Minis Round Up 20 September 2024

Nursery and Minis Round Up 20 September 2024

Posted: 19th September 2024


It’s been a wonderful week filled with imagination, learning, and fun for the children in the Nursery. Cottontails have been exploring The Very Hungry Caterpillar as their book of the week. Throughout the week, they engaged in activities inspired by the story, including finding hidden fruit and vegetables in the “soil.” The children also enjoyed creating butterfly and caterpillar paintings, allowing them to express their creativity while connecting with themes of growth and transformation. Building tall towers with Duplo bricks has also been a highlight, encouraging problem-solving, teamwork, and fine motor skill development.

Meanwhile, Puddleducks have been learning all about recycling. They’ve been sorting various items into the correct recycling containers, helping them understand the importance of reducing waste and caring for the environment. The children have also used their creativity to repurpose recyclable materials, turning them into imaginative projects like houses, cars, and other objects. This activity not only sparked their imagination but also reinforced the concept of reusing everyday materials in fun and inventive ways.


It’s been another fantastic week for the Queen’s Minis! The children ventured into a new area of the college during their outdoor education lesson, where they enjoyed leaf rubbing and creating charming hedgehog pictures. Their core book, Wow Said the Owl, has sparked curiosity about owls, helping the children explore how they move, hunt, and live in their natural habitats. The story has provided a rich backdrop for their discussions and activities.

This week also marked the children’s first language lesson, focusing on German, as well as their first ballet class. The children have embraced these new challenges with such confidence and enthusiasm.

Categories: Nursery and Minis
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