Nursery and Minis Round Up 27 September 2024

Nursery and Minis Round Up 27 September 2024

Posted: 27th September 2024


It has been a busy week in the Nursery, and the wet weather has created abundant opportunities for exploration and play. The Cottontails are diving into the adventure of “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.” They’ve been engaging with a ‘bear hunt’ sensory tray, where they learn and repeat the familiar phrases through immersive play. Some Cottontails have also found joy in splashing in the puddles created by the rain, embracing the delight of messy outdoor fun.

Meanwhile, in Puddleducks, the children have been investigating how different resources can create patterns and marks. The bubble wrap painting was a particularly popular activity, sparking creativity and laughter as they pressed, popped, and painted. Their week included a lively walk around the College grounds, where they practiced their physical skills through climbing, running, and sliding on the wet grass. The children’s enthusiasm was infectious, as they navigated the terrain with joy and excitement, turning even the simplest moments into delightful adventures.

As the week draws to a close, both groups have developed their language, motor skills, and teamwork while building unforgettable memories in the rain. We can’t wait to see what next week brings!


Despite the wet showers this week, the Queen’s Minis children have thoroughly enjoyed their outdoor education sessions. They gathered pine cones and conkers to fill their indoor sensory tray and enjoyed taking part in the Founder’s Day walk on Thursday. Along the trail around the college, the children collected items to decorate natural magic wands made from sticks and a sticky star. 

In this week’s PE lesson in Birchall Hall, the focus was on developing the tricky skill of jumping, which can be especially challenging for smaller legs! The children practised jumping with two feet, both into and over hoops.

Our focus book, Little Acorn, has inspired discussions about the life cycle of an oak tree, how squirrels gather acorns for winter, and broader themes around Autumn and hibernation. The children have also created some fantastic hedgehog and squirrel artworks, now proudly displayed on our topic board for everyone to admire.

Categories: Nursery and Minis
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