High Quality Education

High Quality Education

As one of the top schools in the South West of England, our students have achieved in the top 5% of A Level results in the UK, for the past 4 years.

In 2021, Several students achieved the very top grade of an impressive 4 A*s. Many, including our international students, achieved a combination of As and A*s, and secured their places to study their chosen University subjects. These included Medicine (Edinburgh University), Natural Sciences (Lancaster University), Quantitative Finance (University of Hong Kong), Mathematical and Physical Sciences (University of Toronto), Economics (King’s College, London).

Our GCSE students also did exceptionally well. Several achieved the top grade of nine grade 9s (high A* equivalent), including Smiley and Jane from Hong Kong.

The majority of our GCSE international students choose to stay with us for Sixth Form, and continue to benefit from our experienced EAL department and structured English language support. This prepares them well for university applications and study.

To support our students to achieve high academic results, all of our teachers are true specialists in their subjects. They teach students in small class sizes of up to 12 students per class, and can give individualised teaching support. Students are placed into appropriate classes in-line with their English and mathematical ability, to better support them academically.

All pupils study a 40 hour timetable every week, including taught lessons, tutorial support and a complementary activities programme. This is typical of the British teaching style. We have an extremely successful online learning platform that ensures no student will be without academic support and progression if the school is forced to close. In 2020-2021, there were no gaps in academic attainment for Queen’s College students.

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GCSE A Level

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