Queen’s College celebrates pleasing GCSE results

Queen’s College celebrates pleasing GCSE results

Posted: 30th August 2023

Queen’s College is celebrating again as Year 11 pupils deliver a set of pleasing GCSE results, very significantly above the national averages. They have achieved grades at a level similar to those secured in 2019,  in a year where the government has gone to great lengths to re-base the system following years interrupted by the pandemic.

College Head, Julian Noad said, ‘Our pupils should be very proud of their achievements and this wonderful set of outcomes. Congratulations to the cohort this year, they have worked extremely hard. As ever, they have been really well supported by the teachers and staff team here and we look forward to so many of them continuing their educational journey with us in the sixth form at Queen’s.’

Many pupils received top grades with particularly outstanding performances from You You Chin (9 x grade 9, 1 x grade 8) who continues at Queen’s to study A Levels in biology, chemistry, physics and English literature, and Francesca Lawrence (7 x grade 9, 3 x grade 8) who will also stay on at Queen’s to study maths, further maths, physics and English literature.

Pupil Hannah Murray was delighted to secure the top grade in English Literature and said ‘the enthusiastic support I have received from my teachers this last year in particular really helped me to focus and study hard, I’m over the moon with my result which was better than I’d hoped for.’ Mollie Martin was also ecstatic with her grades and achieved grade 9 in both English Language and Literature.

Head of Art, Rebecca Cade was full of smiles and commented ‘I am incredibly pleased and proud of our excellent Art results with a high number of top grades being achieved’

This year’s results provide a strong platform for the A Level and BTEC courses that Queen’s pupils will now progress on to. ‘Throughout the next two particularly pivotal years, the support our sixth formers will receive will help them all to achieve their academic potential and be the best version of themselves.  This in turn will continue to create opportunities for their futures’, commented Julian Noad.’

It’s an exciting time for Queen’s College Sixth Form, with plans in progress to further enhance study and leisure space, as well as the launch of an impressive new Careers programme. Also, following this year’s excellent A level results, which were amongst the top in the area, enquiries suggest that there will be high demand for 2024 places.


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