Pupils Flex Their Mussels in the Classroom

Pupils Flex Their Mussels in the Classroom

Posted: 7th December 2023





Queen’s pupils enjoyed a taste of the sea after being given the chance to prepare, cook and eat 8kg of fresh, sustainable South West rope-grown mussels kindly donated by Offshore Shellfish, packed by River Teign Shellfish Ltd and delivered by DFDS Global to us as part of the Food Teachers’ Centre Fish Hero programme.

Queen’s was one of only 250 schools selected throughout the country cooking and tasting a total of 2000kg of South West mussels, donated by Offshore Shellfish.

The Fish Heroes campaign aims to ensure every child gets a chance to prepare, cook and eat fresh fish before they leave school.
Our Year 10’s were the first of our pupils to learn how to check, clean, prepare, and cook a mussels recipe making Moules Marinière with garlic, parsley and white wine.
“This has been a fantastic opportunity for students, enhancing their GCSE learning and enabling many of them to eat mussels which they have freshly prepared, for the very first time”, said Mr Mann, Head of the Faculty of Art, Design, and Food, “huge thanks to all involved for our 8kg of mussels particularly the Fishmongers’ Company”.
Categories: Food and Nutrition
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