Scholar Events Showcase Unique Learning Opportunities

Scholar Events Showcase Unique Learning Opportunities

Posted: 5th February 2024

Queen’s commitment to nurturing young minds extends beyond the classroom walls. Scholar events provide exciting opportunities for our students to delve deeper into their interests, explore new fields, and connect with renowned experts.

Art & Science Collide

Last Tuesday, the art Scholars were enthralled by a captivating presentation, hosted by the renowned botanical illustrator, Anne Bebbington, and her husband, natural history photographer, John Bebbington. Drawing upon their combined expertise honed through decades at the Field Studies Council, the Bebbingtons masterfully interwoven art and science, creating a vibrant tapestry of knowledge for the eager audience.

Anne, an environmental educator and accomplished artist, meticulously unveiled her botanical illustration techniques, offering illuminating insights into the plant kingdom. John, specialising in close-up and macro photography, showcased his breathtaking images of invertebrates, flora, and even microscopic marvels, revealing hidden worlds invisible to the naked eye.

Their presentation was far more than a visual spectacle, instead igniting an animated discussion on the intricacies between flowers and their crucial pollinators. From the intricate structures of blossoms to the mesmerising interplay of visible and UV light reflectance. The scholars were not only treated to the expertise of these renowned figures but also engaged in a lively exchange that sparked their curiosity and ignited a passion for further exploration.

Beyond the Syllabus: Faculty Extension Sessions for Academic Scholars 

Last Saturday’s Faculty Extension morning offered diverse workshops for different scholar groups. Year 7 and 8 scholars embarked on linguistic adventures with Mrs. Webber, deciphering languages and discovering the playful nuances of idioms. “My favourite part was learning about idioms” shared Peri (Year 7). “The one I liked most was Spanish’s ‘Go and fry asparagus,’ which literally translates to ‘go away!'”

The second hour for the younger Scholars was spent in physics where Mrs Gossage, where they learnt about aeronautical engineering, they applied this understanding to paper planes. Sam (Year 7) said “I liked it when we made different types of paper aeroplanes (I had never made one before) and it was interesting learning the different ways we could build one and the dynamics used to make it a good paper aeroplane.”

Year 10 and 11 scholars ventured into the realms of philosophy and poetry with Mr. Green and Mrs. Litton (Humanities and English & Drama faculties). They delved into the concept of the “miraculous,” connecting it to relevant poems and their GCSE curriculum, demonstrating the enriching interdisciplinary approach at Queen’s. Adam, a Year 11 scholar, described this session “I enjoyed the lesson. It was applicable knowledge taught in an interesting way. It was especially useful as it helped build poetry skills and discussed a poet that appears in the GCSE curriculum, but explored his poetry more broadly; all in all a good weekend scholars’ event.”

Years 12 and 13 scholars tackled critical thinking topics. Mr Proctor’s (maths & computing faculty) session explored the dangers of bad data and its misuse in the real world, equipping them with essential critical analysis skills. Following this, Mrs.Perry  (English & drama faculty) and special guest (Mrs Perry’s Husband) Mr Perry transformed the classroom into a courtroom, where scholars enacted a mock trial, gaining valuable insights into legal systems and courtroom procedures. They looked at how witnesses’ statements might be cross-examined and interpreted and how this would affect the case. These simulations provided invaluable real-world experiences, reflecting Queen’s focus on preparing students for future success.

Scholar events at Queen’s are more than just educational experiences; they are gateways to exploration, inspiration, and personal growth. By connecting with experts, engaging in interactive activities, and delving beyond the curriculum, our scholars gain invaluable knowledge, hone critical skills, and cultivate a lifelong love of learning.

Categories: Senior School
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