Staff Lists

Staff Lists

College Leadership Group

Julian Noad, Head of College

Henry Matthews, Head of Prep School

Steve Green, Head of Senior School

Carla Shearman, Deputy Head (Pastoral), Head of Boarding

Dick Wilde, Deputy Head (Co-Curriculum)

Pamela Pawley, Deputy Head (Academic)

Kim Dawkins, Bursar

Senior School Leadership

Emily Chanter, Assistant Head (Sixth Form and Futures)

Steve Green, Head of Senior School

Prep School Leadership

Henry Matthews, Head of Prep School

Karen Parsons – Highgrove Nursery Manager

Donna Kershaw – Assistant Head (Pre-Prep)

Sam Chislett – Assistant Head (Upper Prep)

Heads of Faculty

Head of Art, Design and Food Faculty – Joe Mann –

Head of English and Literacy Faculty –Miriam Litton –

Head of Mathematics and Computing Faculty – Andy Bussell –

Head of Humanities Faculty – Megan Neenan –

Head of Science Faculty – Charlie Speyer –

Head of Languages – Aisling McGreal –

Head of Outdoor Education – Mark Neenan –

Director of Sport – Tom Bell –

Director of Performing Arts  – Ian Trafford –

Subject Leads

Martyn Aldridge – Sociology and UCAS 

Melissa Allan – History

Roxanne Watsin – Psychology

Tom Bell – Academic PE

Rebecca Cade – Art

Esme Townsend – Learning Support

Helen Goodall – EAL

Leila Bailward – Religious Studies

Jennie Cooling – PSHE

Ben Higgs – Design Technology

Ian Henden – Chemistry

Claire Harrison – Biology

Cicely Wills – Music

Gerry Proctor – Computing

Joseph Mann – Food and Nutrition

Miriam Litton – English

Aisling McGreal – French, Spanish, and German

Mark Neenan – Outdoor Education, Educational Visits Co-ordinator

Ellanor Ridley – Drama

Dominic Rich – Economics and Marketing

Laura Davey – Business

Charles Speyer – Physics

Andy Bussell – Mathematics

Prep School

Sam Chislett – E Safety Co-ordinator

Sam Kelly – English (Prep School)

Pat Fox – Maths (Prep School)

Henrietta Chislett – SENCO (Prep School)

Hannah Czeres –  Science (Prep School)

Lucy Gardner –  Girls Games (Prep School)

Andrew Venning PE Teacher and Boys Games (Prep School)

Year Leads

Year 7 – Sandra Spall –

Year 8 – William Eastment –

Year 9 – Claire Harrison –

Year 10 – Jessica Watkins –

Year 11 – Melissa Allan – 

Sixth form – Emily Chanter –


Chair – Mark Edwards

Mark runs a Sales and Marketing business with over thirty years’ experience. He has been involved in many aspects of public life including as a local Executive Councillor with responsibilities for Planning, Business and the Environment and in 2012 was the regional Chairman for the Olympic Torch Relay. Mark attended Queen’s College where he met his wife Charlotte and their three daughters have all attended the school.  01823 340855


Vice Chair and Safeguarding – Mrs Janet Walden

Janet studied History at King’s College, London and joined the Civil Service.  She worked in London before retiring to Dorset with her husband.  She has a keen interest in education and has been a school governor in Surrey and Somerset. As well as spending time with her family she is involved with a social enterprise which supports small social care organisations across the country.  Janet is the Safeguarding Governor for Queen’s College.


Mr Michael Dukes BEd MRICS

Mr Michael Gough FCMA CGMA

Sir Nicholas Harvey

Mr J David Jones LLB

Revd Deborah Kirk

Ms Rachel Davies

Mr Ian Thomas

Prof. Momna Hejmad

Mrs Caroline Kirby

Mrs Patricia Martin

Mr James Shaeena

Revd Daniel Haylett

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