

Every student whose parents live outside of the UK is required to have a designated adult guardian in the UK, preferably within one hour's driving distance of the School. This requirement applies to all students, including those in the Sixth Form.

A guardian may be a relative, friend of the family or a guardian agency and must be aged over 23 years old. It is essential that a guardian is nominated before the student joins Queen’s College and that you notify the Registrar of the guardian’s name and contact details before the student joins the School.

Guardians are required to assist the student in various circumstances, including making travel arrangements and accompanying the student between the airport and School (if the student is not travelling on School transport) and, if necessary, arranging overnight accommodation between leaving or arriving at School and the departure or arrival of flights.

Many students remain in the UK for half term holidays and the guardian will be expected to make travel arrangements and accommodate the student, unless the parents have made alternative arrangements.

Guardians should develop a positive and friendly relationship with the student and maintain contact during the term, including attending parents’ meetings, performances and sports fixtures, ie developing and nurturing the individual.

The School has a well-equipped Medical Centre, but a medical or other emergency may arise when the help of the guardian is required. A guardian will also be required to collect and accommodate a student who is unwell for a period of longer than three days.

Very occasionally a student may break School Rules and if the offence is serious, the guardian will be required to make travel arrangements and accommodate the student whilst they are excluded from School for a period of time.

In order to carry out these duties it is essential that the guardian should be a householder (i.e. not a student), should be able to speak English and be accessible by telephone.

Term dates and holidays are published on the School website and in the calendar at least one year in advance. This ensures that students do not leave before the end of term or return after the beginning of term. Parents arrange tickets for overseas flights and are responsible for passports (which may be sent to the Houseparents for safe-keeping).


We have a list of guardianship agencies below who look after Queen’s College students and who will be happy to help you if you do not already have a suitable contact in the UK. This cannot be considered as a recommendation – the arrangements are made solely between the parents and the guardian agency.

Guardians etc.

Guardians UK

Quest Guardians Ltd

Pippa’s Guardians

White House Guardianships

Living Learning English

Crown Guardians

Overseas Personal Development Services

Student Guardian UK

Please note that all guardian agencies will charge for their services.

Guardians etc has worked in partnership with Queen’s College for the past six years and our experience leaves us in no doubt that the school provides an excellent education which nurtures intellectual curiosity, is challenging and fun, balancing academic excellence with fulfilment of individual potential in the arts, sport and extra-curricular activities. It ensures that each student performs to their potential, while developing and nurturing the individual. We have always been impressed with how the teaching and boarding staff work closely together, teaching respect and tolerance for the whole school community. However, we believe the ‘special ingredient’ at Queen’s College is the very individual pastoral care and guidance shown to each student, which is simply outstanding.
Amanda McHale, guardians etc
I have a long relationship with Queen’s as my daughters were both boarders for a number of years. My contact with the school continues as a guardian to International students. I cannot fault the welcoming atmosphere and assistance we are given with our students by both academic and house staff… I hope that we continue to work with Queen’s and look after their students for many years to come.
Alison Warne, Guardianship Manager, Guardians UK
Our association with Queen's College stretches back over 23 years to when my mother ran Quest Guardians and we have always found the culture throughout the staff team friendly and supportive. This extends to both helping us organise our regular visits and routine arrangements for the international students, and also to when unforeseen circumstances arise, both pastoral and educational, when it is so beneficial to a student to have a strong partnership and good communications between school, guardianship agency and parents.
Chris Michelmore, Director, Quest Guardians Ltd
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