News & Events

News & Events

Queen’s College Taunton Recognised as a Beacon for Wellbeing Excellence and Becomes One of Few Schools in Somerset to Gain Prestigious Wellbeing Award for Schools.

12th October 2023

Last updated on 27th November 2023

Queen’s College, Taunton, an independent boarding school renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, the arts and outstanding pastoral care, is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded the…

Faculty Extension Sessions

28th September 2023

The faculty extension sessions are the evolution of our scholars’ programme and our academic and all-rounder scholars are invited to attend six two-hour sessions on Saturdays throughout the year, which…

Queen’s celebrates the start of the Apple Season

21st September 2023

We have been celebrating the official start of the British Apple Season at lunch this week with apples organically grown here at Queen’s College. Pupils have been learning about seasonality…

Summer Edukid Cambodia Trip

15th September 2023

This summer, 16 Queen’s College students embarked on a trip to Cambodia. After thirty-four hours of travel including 1 bus, 2 planes and countless skytrains around Singapore airport, the team…

Queen’s College celebrates pleasing GCSE results

30th August 2023

Queen’s College is celebrating again as Year 11 pupils deliver a set of pleasing GCSE results, very significantly above the national averages. They have achieved grades at a level similar…

Queen’s College students visit Cambodia

30th August 2023

Earlier this summer 16 Queen’s College students went out to Cambodia with – Education for a Brighter Future. During their time there they experienced the culture, spent time playing…

Fantastic A Level Results 2023

18th August 2023

In a year where the national headlines suggest that A Level results are lower, pupils at Queen’s College are celebrating significantly higher results overall. 41.6% of all grades in 2023…

Practical Mathematics – Custard & Wellies

5th July 2023

Last week, Year 7 were challenged to work out how much custard they would need to fill a welly boot to the brim once a foot had been placed inside…

Year 9 Model United Nations (MUN) Day

5th July 2023

Tuesday was Year 9 MUN day.  Some of Year 9 had taken part in MUN as part of co-curricular and had attended some conferences, however many had not been involved…

Industry Experts Judge House Journalism Challenge

30th June 2023

Thursday saw the first ever Queen’s College house journalism challenge, with an all-day competition to produce the best newspaper. “Media is an area of English which was significantly marginalised by…

Summer At Queen's

Keeping your children entertained and engaged during school holidays can be a challenge, especially for busy working parents.  That’s why we partner with a variety of exciting holiday camp providers to offer a range of options for all ages and interests.


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