News & Events

News & Events

3… 2… 1… LEGO! – Queen’s at the First Lego League Bristol

27th January 2023

Last updated on 31st January 2023

We have a Queen’s College school team in the ‘FIRST® LEGO® League’ delivering fun, exciting hands-on learning through real-world problem-solving experiences designing engineering robotic technologies to build a better future…

Sports Report 27 January 2023

26th January 2023

Last updated on 1st March 2023

Prep  We have enjoyed the winter sunshine on many afternoons in the last two weeks which has been welcomed but still very cold, especially for the fingers of our netball…

Queen’s make it to the finals of “Eat Game Awards”

24th January 2023

Last updated on 1st March 2023

The hard work of all our pupils at learning high meat skills with local, wild, fresh pheasant, venison and partridge in Food Preparation and Nutrition classes has been once again…

Year 11 students makes it to Royal Academy Student Chef National Finals 2023

24th January 2023

Last updated on 1st March 2023

Huge congratulations to Natasha , Year 11 who has once again been chosen by a panel of industry experts and TV chefs to represent Queens at the Student Chef 2022-2023…

Queen’s College drop-off for recycling plastic tubs

23rd January 2023

Last updated on 1st March 2023

If you have polished off those Christmas chocolates, treats and crackers, we are pleading with you not to throw away the plastic tubs they came in. Instead please drop them…

House Festival of Creative Arts Launches 2023

20th January 2023

Last updated on 1st March 2023

We are delighted to announce the launch of the exciting all-new Faculty of Art, Design, and Food ‘Festival of Creative Arts’. The ‘Festival of Creative Arts’ takes the form of three separate…

Apple Tree Wassail Celebrations for the Health of the School Orchards

20th January 2023

Last updated on 1st March 2023

Originating from the old Norse greeting of, “ves heill”, Wassailing is an old English tradition to celebrate the ‘Twelfth Night’ (often marked on either January 5th or 6th). However, pupils…

Sports Report 20 January

19th January 2023

Last updated on 1st March 2023

Prep Sadly the girls matches were cancelled on Wednesday due to significant snow at Perrott Hill. The girls and staff were naturally disappointed to miss out, however, we spent the…

It’s beginning to taste a lot like Christmas!

16th December 2022

Last updated on 1st March 2023

Christmas Pupil Masterclass Pupils joined Mr Mann, Head of the Faculty of Art, Design, and Food, at the weekend for a culinary Christmas masterclass making their own beautiful golden, rich,…

Christmas and New Years Around The World

14th December 2022

Last updated on 1st March 2023

Christmas in Ukriane By Anna Year 8 In Ukraine, Christmas is usually celebrated on January 6th. In December, people decorate their houses with Christmas lights and Christmas decorations and put…

Summer At Queen's

Keeping your children entertained and engaged during school holidays can be a challenge, especially for busy working parents.  That’s why we partner with a variety of exciting holiday camp providers to offer a range of options for all ages and interests.


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