Sixth Form

Sixth Form

Queen’s College, Taunton is the forward thinking independent school, creating caring, ambitious and well balanced individuals, who are academically strong and ready to take on the next chapter of their life.

Head of Sixth Form – Emily Chanter

“I am passionate about providing our students with an exceptional sixth form journey and there are already many strategies and initiatives our students can look forward to based on current educational research and our ethos of developing skills for life. 

The sixth form is an exciting space for our students to transition to A levels & BTEC, grow into independent, confident, sociable young adults and embrace a rich and diverse sixth form experience.

Underpinning the sixth form is the understanding that education is a powerful tool in opening doors for young people in a competitive market for placements, universities, and the work place. The sixth form is unapologetic for having high expectations for all students, within both academia and extra curricular, to give them the best platform to succeed. Students will thrive in Queen’s sixth form environment and they will be fully supported in the challenges and opportunities they will face.”

Sixth Form At Queen’s

At Queen’s, our Sixth Form is dedicated to supporting every student on their journey to choosing an ambitious path for life after school. 

We know that academic results, a high skill level and experience of the world and industry are must haves to stand out from the crowd and open up rewarding opportunities for later life. It’s with this vision, for a rounded well balanced experience at sixth form, staff support students through this important stage in their lives. They empower them to gain the best qualifications, attributes and experiences so they can embrace the best version of themselves. 

Queen’s College is proud to be one of the top schools in the South West for its academic results despite not being a highly selective school but one that places emphasis on an all-round approach to education.We are always significantly above the national average in our results. In 2023, 43% of our A Level entries were awarded A-A* grades. 50% of our students secured places at Russell Group universities against 27% nationally and 100% of our veterinary, medical and art foundation applicants went to their first choice universities. Our teaching staff are all highly motivated, inspirational and caring people with a passion for their subject and whose influence goes beyond the classroom. 

Results are important but they don’t show the person behind the paper. How caring, ambitious, funny, organised or how hard working our students are. The Queen’s diploma is a captivating platform for students to demonstrate these qualities and provides a clear pathway for our students to extend themselves beyond the usual. The Diploma forms a key ingredient in application writing highlighting transferable skills, desirable character traits and providing examples for competency based questions. Through this Diploma our students build new skills, gain a range of attributes and develop a habit of lifelong learning and commitment to citizenship. 

Above all Queen’s is a caring school founded on a Methodist ethos where good manners, consideration for others, respect for oneself and a sense of humour are valued. With this ethos every student has a tutor to support them through their time at Queen’s. Each tutor is passionate about developing their tutee’s into young adults and helping them navigate UCAS, wellbeing, relationships, academics and more. 

Our success is providing our young people with an education for life, preparing them for the future and giving them the skills and confidence to be able to go out into the world and make a difference. It is very clear that, to quote the school motto, Queen’s College Sixth Form provides pupils with an education not just for school but for life. We want the best for all our students and we are unforgiving in our drive to help them achieve this.

Sixth Form Pathways

Year 12

Year 13

Med, Dent, Vet and Oxbridge Universities Journey

All our students have a specific ‘next steps journey’ of which can found on our sixth form pathway. If however students are wanting to apply for international universities, Oxbridge, medicine, dentistry or veterinary then we have an additional programme for them.

  • Early/international applications completion support
  • Guidance on additionality, such as extra reading or MOOCs 
  • Support from Head of Futures on gaining work experience 
  • At least two subject specific mock interviews
  • Guidance and support with entry exams & written work submissions
  • Dedicated UCAS application adviser 

Contact Us

Senior School and Sixth Form Admissions
Jayne Gray – Admissions Officer
Telephone: +44 (0)1823 340830

Summer At Queen's

Keeping your children entertained and engaged during school holidays can be a challenge, especially for busy working parents.  That’s why we partner with a variety of exciting holiday camp providers to offer a range of options for all ages and interests.


View Summer Holiday Options